Dr. Joyjit Chatterjee

Data Scientist (KTP Associate) at Reckitt and University of Hull, UK | Forbes 30 Under 30 Europe | Green Talents Awardee (German Govt.) | PhD Computer Science and PGDip (Hull, UK) | E&C Engineer (Gold Medalist) | Professional Scrum Master

Data Scientist (KTP Research Associate)
Reckitt, United Kingdom
Directions: Reckitt Benckiser, UK

Research Interests: Deep Learning, Natural Language Generation, Data Analytics, Causal Inference and Time-Series Analysis »

Simplicity is prerequisite for reliability. — Edsger Dijkstra

✍ Blog & Writing

Dr. Chatterjee is also an avid blogger, and many of his Github repos are supplement to his Medium articles, so if you would like, please give them a read at Medium. Some of the repos contain supplementary material for Dr. Chatterjee's research publications, some are simple and plain fun projects, while a few are an effort to contribute to the community by facilitating educational content in Computer Science & Engineering. Joyjit loves to code in Python and C++ and these are the programming languages you would find most of his Github repos to be based on, although he has studied other areas of programming as well, including MATLAB, R, Java/Javascript and HTML/CSS, Electronic Design & Automation HDL's such as System Verilog, VHDL but does not use them too frequently.

You can reach out to Dr. Chatterjee at joyjitece@gmail.com or feel free connect with him on Social Media. He can be found on LinkedIn at alt text http://linkedin.com/in/joyjitchatterjee/. 📈 Github page can be found here.